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2015 ~
2015 - From Ohio farmboy to federal judge, Martin Welker also
served as a colonel during the Civil War and as a congressman from Ohio,
who penned his memoirs entitled Farm Life in Central Ohio Sixty Years Ago. |
2015 - Martha Emma (Minerd) Gorsuch, one of the most fascinating
characters in the extended clan, who lived to the ripe old age of 103, was
born before Lincoln was elected president and died a few months after Bill
Mazeroski hit his famous home run to win the 1960 World Series for the
Pittsburgh Pirates. |
2015 - John Henry Goins, of Rendville and Zanesville, OH, was one
of millions of out-of-work
individuals hired by the federal government's Works Progress Administration (WPA)
to build public works projects, such as roads, bridges, retaining
walls and buildings. |
2015 - Distant cousins Levi Rose and Dennis Romesburg among a
timber crew harvesting the rich forests of the now-gone town of Humbert in
Somerset County, PA in the early 1930s. |
2015 - Having left Kansas seven years earlier, pioneers James
R. and Lydia (Miner) Brown and children pose in front of their new home on a
tract of 160 acres in Excelsior Township, Kingfisher County, Oklahoma
Territory. |
2015 - The Casco schooner, a vessel originally built for
racing and which famed author Robert Louis Stevenson and our cousin
Leonidas "Lon" McGirk had in common, for much different
purposes, 30 years apart. |
2015 - Sharing a tender moment with her young son, Ruth Ann
(Minerd) Kennedy and her extended family faced a lifetime of hardship in
and around the Chestnut Ridge community of Philippi and Grafton, WV due to
the color of their skin. |
2015 - At the height of World War II, three cousins are among a
group of employees posting for a photograph at the Monongahela Railway
terminal in South Brownsville, PA. |
2015 - Lester White's real estate and insurance office on Main
Street in the Kansas prairie town of Isabel, Barber County, in the early
1900s. |
2015 - At age 23, a recuperating Matthew David McKnight leans on a
cane as he receives an award of valor from Pennsylvania Congressman
Richard A. Kasunic, and in a few more years his heroism would land him on
the pages of the Guinness World Records book. |
2015 - The only known cousin to allegedly have been pardoned for
manslaughter by future United States President William McKinley, Simon
Henry Miner stands with his presumed second wife who was half his age. |
2015 - Cousins Rhonda (Cook) Tabler, Amy (Nichols) Reid, Irita
(Goins) Canady and Alexandra Finley appear on the popular PBS television
show Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates Jr. |
2014 ~
2014 - A rare archive of images has surfaced showing Rebecca Jane
"Jennie" (Minerd) Conley Woodmancy, her husbands, foster
daughter and grandchildren of Nebraska, Chicago and Iowa. |
2014 - Army's Eugene Gribble (foreground, no. 21) breaks up a pass thrown by Navy's Bob
Zastrow in the annual Army-Navy football battle, held Dec. 2, 1950, in
Philadelphia. |
2014 - Fashion, art,
shape notes and grief -- in this tintype portrait, likely dating from the mid to
late 1870s, Elizabeth
(Minerd) Long of Normalville, Fayette County, PA stands beside an empty
chair, signifying her status as a widow. |
2014 - No ordinary dinner at the Fifth Annual Preston County
Buckwheat Festival in West Virginia, in 1946, co-founded by John Donald
"Happy" Everly. |
2014 - As a new bridge is under construction in the 1890s
in Durand, WI, the tug boat
Phil Scheckel pushes a lumber-laden barge, piloted by Iowa and Wisconsin
pioneer Eli Minder. |
2014 - Taking a break at a 2009 national conference of entertainment executives, Douglas Edwin Minerd enjoys a
relaxing 30-minute swim with bottlenose dolphins at SeaWorld's Discovery
Cove in Florida. |
2014 - Stricken with a
form of arthritis that deformed his bone structure, including his spine,
farmer Curtis Fremont Weyant -- husband of Joanna (Harbaugh) Weyant -- was
forced to walk with canes on both hands.
2014 - Throughout
the U.S. and Canada, wearing his lucky cowboy hat, third generation
auctioneer Sherman
"Matthew" Hostetter is generating an international following for
his calling skills, capturing several major awards last year. |
2014 - Odger Miner and the Hopewell
Township Volunteer Fire Department posing on an old American LaFrance fire truck
in preparation for a community parade near Aliquippa, PA. |
2014 - In a poignant embrace, Vietnam War veteran Perry Shinneman reunites with his wife Shirley upon his return home to
South Dakota, minus one of his legs, and his crutch lying on the tarmac.
This image was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and became an icon for
anti-war sentiment around the globe. |
2014 - Charles Henry
LaWall, an early pharmacist and educator of Philadelphia who led the
development of ethical standards for the industry and teamed with his wife
to produce a variety of publications about the industry's heritage. |
2014 - Confederate prisoners of war take an oath of allegiance to
the United States -- Jeremiah Minard, one of just two known Confederates
in a family that otherwise produced more than 115 Union soldiers, took
such an oath. |
2013 ~
2013 -
Although black ink on red
paper is not the most legible combination, grocer and politician Ira
"David" Younkin of Connellsville, PA used this format for his Christmas card in the
early 1900s. |
2013 - Private first class Alton Glen Sterner, of the Fifth Regimental Combat Team,
Company L, who tragically was killed in action during the Korean War after only
four months of active duty. |
2013 - A portrait of brothers Ephraim and Andrew J. Miner and
their wives is iconic in
illustrating the size and intra-connections between the Younkin and Minerd
pioneer families of Western
Pennsylvania. These brothers had
a staggering 103 known first cousins, all sharing strands of Younkin DNA. |
2013 - Back to school time: Circa 1925, teacher Winifred Hart and
her one-room Majors School in rural Beaver County, PA, one of many
hundreds of educators in the extended family. |
2013 - Abiel
W. Heilman, a prominent boiler manufacturer of Allentown, PA, whose expert
knowledge of metals was applied to artillery service during the Civil War. |
2013 - Martin Miner -- a combat veteran of the Battle of Gettysburg -- and
fellow Civil War soldiers and their families attend a reunion in Normalville, Fayette County,
Pennsylvania in the late 1800s. |
2013 - A red ribbon artifact from the Minerd-Miner family's
original reunion in 1913 at Ohiopyle in Western Pennsylvania, and a
portion of the 1913 reunion photo showing the ribbons flapping in the
breeze. |
2013 - Philo Bertram "Bert" Seelye -- husband of Mary
"Mollie" Murdock of Wheeling, WV -- who was a longtime educator,
scholastic book author and school administrator in New York City,
primarily in the Bronx. |
2013 - Silent film actor Cotton "Allen" Hayden, of
Alexandria Bay, New York, who
appeared in two films produced by circa 1915 by Katharine Russell Bleecker
-- Skeins of Destiny and Smuggler's Revenge, which today are
lost from the historical record. |
2013 - In
recognition for service as FBI National Academy Association President in 1982,
and more
than a quarter century as Chief of Police of the Philadelphia suburb of
Woodbury, New Jersey, President Ronald Reagan greets Floyd "Dean"
Kimmel in the White House. |
2013 - Montana pioneer George L. Overfield -- who left West
Virginia in about 1871 -- and the brand marks of his cattle, from the 1903
edition of the Brand Book of the Montana Stock Growers Association. |
2013 - Cecil
Warren Minard with fellow crew members of their B-17 "Flying
Fortress" during World War II, after their bomber was torn open and
dented when rammed by a "wildly careening German fighter that
inflicted a cut like a giant can-opener." |
~ 2012 ~
2012 - Rev. Ray G. Manley, one of hundreds of clergy in the
extended family, who devoted three decades of his life to the mission
field of Southwestern Pennsylvania, "through
war, labor organizing riots, the flue epidemic, strikes, the depression, [and] the
struggling complexity of foreign born Americans." |
2012 - Bass drum player Franklin "Frank" Miner of the
Mill Run Concert Band in Fayette County, Pennsylvania,
who also was a longtime laborer at Fallingwater, the Frank Lloyd
Wright-designed home over a waterfall. |
2012 - A life without seeing, but full of living -- Isabelle (McKnight)
Longfoot, of Uniontown,
Cuylerville, New York & Wilkes-Barre,
Pennsylvania, who
spent her adult life in blindness, raising six children and celebrating
her 50th wedding anniversary. |
2012 - Levi Alfred Miner,
born in Mauch Chunk (Jim Thorpe),
Pennsylvania, who parlayed a successful newspaper career
in Philadelphia into a life of public service as a publisher and politician in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. |
2012 - Postmaster David Leander Laughery of Vanderbilt,
Pennsylvania, and
wife Martha Jane Harbaugh, whose descendants held their 48th annual
reunion in Delaware this month. |
2012 - The advertising signs painted by the "Mountain
Poet," Allen Edward Harbaugh, for Anderson's Cash Clothing Store in
Southwestern Pennsylvania. |
2012 - Letitia A.
Long – the first woman to head a United States intelligence agency –
receives congratulations from Vice Admiral Robert B. Murrett, Secretary of
Defense Robert M. Gates and Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
James R. Clapper Jr. |
2012 - Grocery store owner John Ellsworth Mayle who with his wife
Rachel, both of mixed race, found a welcoming community in Brilliant, Ohio
where they established a longtime home and business enterprise.
2012 - Harry G. Bowman's photography portraiture and imprint from
Hartford City, Blackford County, Indiana of the late 1880s and early '90s,
before a cruel hand of fate intervened. |
2012 - Roy
"Penn" Minerd and his model railroad layout, featuring coke
ovens, rail yards and neighborhoods patterned on his memories from his
parents' hometowns of Uniontown and Connellsville, PA, and later in Erie,
Pennsylvania. |
2012 - Mahala "Hallie" McKnight, an early nurse in our
family who trained and was employed at Uniontown Hospital in Fayette
County, PA, at a time when
nursing, stenography and teaching were among the few professional occupations
open to women in our society, especially in heavily industrial regions such as
Pittsburgh. |
January 2012 -
The "Jones Repair Shop"
of EdCouch, Texas, owned and operated by Clyde J. Jones to serve local farmers and others who needed repairs to their
tractors and machinery. Clyde contributed to the written history of our family
in a letter (typed on pink paper) in the 1970s. |
~ 2011 ~
2011 - At the entrance to the Palestinian town of
Doura in Hebron, on the West Bank, Kathleen Kern of the Christian
Peacemaker Teams holds up a
white scarf to attract the attention of Israeli armed
personnel carriers, hoping to protect the rights of a Palestinian woman
after Israeli soldiers unlawfully had entered the woman's home.
2011 - "Killed
By Lightning" -- so blared the headline in the Medicine Lodge
Cresset newspaper in Kansas about young wife and mother Jeanette
"Nettie (White) Bailey in 1889. Today, great granddaughter Janet
(Hoyt) Sperry is restoring Nettie's tiny prairie house. |
2011 - Born
the same year as our nation -- 1776 -- Daniel Miner Sr. was a pioneer of Ohio,
and his photograph is the only known image of a son or daughter of
original Western Pennsylvania settlers Jacob and Maria (Nein) Minerd Sr. |
2011 - The "Dean of Travel," Robert W. "Bert" Hemphill was an entrepreneur and
tireless promoter in Southern California who spent his career logging more than 1,800 air flights, 200
sailing cruises, 232 county visits and five million miles as a pioneer of luxury
air travel and tourism. |
2011 - Cole's Market in San Bernardino, California, owned and operated by Clarence Wilbur Cole
and his wife Mary "Helen," who began their married
lives in Topeka, Kansas. |
2011 - Civil War veteran William Minerd, of Philippi, West
Virginia, who
along with his brothers and sisters faced a lifetime of racial
discrimination due to their mixed-race heritage. |
2011 - Together
again, brothers and Civil War veterans Norman D. Knight (4th West Virginia
Volunteer Infantry) and Daniel Harry Knight (92nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry)
pose in the early 1900s with their wives. |
2011 - Civil War veteran Ephraim Miner poses
with his wife and family circa 1894, more than 30 years after he suffered
debilitating injuries during the Battle of Fredericksburg. His Civil War
diaries have been brought to light, and will be printed in book form this
year under the title Well At This Time, authored by the founder of
this website. |
2011 - Of the 107 of
our known cousins and spouses who served in the Civil War, Robert Rankin
is one of the few photographed in uniform, as he appeared at the
time. |
2011 - Heavily bearded Civil War veteran Henry "Foxy" McKnight --
longtime widower of Barbara
(Minerd) McKnight of Dawson, Pennsylvania -- is one of 107 Civil
War soldiers in our clan whom we will honor at our national family
reunion in June. |
2011 - Pamela (Schultz) Nagy, Senior Vice President of Citizens Bank of
Pennsylvania, is appearing on KDKA-TV commercials with bank Chairman Ralph Papa this winter to
promote energy assistance for low-income neighbors
in need in Southwestern Pennsylvania.
2011 - Longtime ceramics researcher and corporate inventor Harry
George Schurecht poses with colleagues at a conference of the New
York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University. His work with spark
plugs helped our nation quickly mass produce military vehicle engines
during World War II. |
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2011-2015 Mark A. Miner |